Israelitische Gemeente Suriname
Suriname Jewish Community
Celebrating 379 years of Judaism in Suriname

Special Acknowledgements
Ms. Rachel Frankel – after over 140 years of neglect, Rachel, a New York Architect and an independent scholar who was later joined by Dr. Aviva Ben – Ur, conducted an important historical interdisciplinary research in the Jodensavanne and Cassipora. In conjunction with The Foundation for Jodensavanne and with the support of the Caribbean Volunteer Expeditions (CVE) (http://www.cvexp.org), they undertook six expeditions between 1997 and 2002 with a dedicated group of volunteers. In their book: “Remnant Stones: The Jewish Cemeteries and Synagogues of Suriname” Frankel and Ben – Ur present a comprehensive description of these expeditions. It is the first documentation of Suriname’s oldest surviving burial grounds and synagogues; The culmination of their work can be found in:www.wsupress.wayne.edu/book.php?id=1085/
Mr. Guido Robles – the previous Chairman of the Jodensavanne Foundation for the wealth of information he provided during the research for this website.
Mr. Erwin Berg – a lawyer and historian who participated with his wife Elaine as volunteers in the 1999 expedition of Ms. Frankel. Mr. Berg provided a fascinating article: “Among the Dead in the Jewish Savanna” (2000);
Ms. Lilly Duym – who conducted an eye opening tour of the Paramaribo cemeteries and provided valuable information during the research for this subject.
Shai Fierst - for his valuable comments and on going support.
Ms. Judy Manelis - for her dedicated editing work.
Mr. Scott Forler - for his ongoing web marketing support.
Mr. Jacob Steinberg - the creator of the web site, founder and promoter of the Chai Membership support group.
Heather Steinberg - our dedicated webmaster.